
1. **行气破瘀、生肌止痛**:保妇康栓的主要功效在于行气破瘀,生肌止痛。这使其适用于治疗因湿热瘀滞引起的各种症状。 2. **治疗带下病**:对于由湿热瘀滞引起的带下病,如白带量多、颜色发黄、阴道瘙痒等症状,保妇康栓具有显著的治疗作用。 3. **治疗阴道炎**:保妇康栓适用于霉菌性阴道炎、细菌性阴道炎等阴道炎症的治疗,能够缓解相关症状。 4. **治疗宫颈糜烂**:保妇康栓对于宫颈糜烂有一定的治疗作用,能够改善因宫颈糜烂引起的同房后出血、白带增多、色黄、外阴瘙痒等症状。 E:\bca\图片\u=730840959,2119350064&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 5. **治疗宫颈肥大**:虽然保妇康栓对宫颈肥大有一定的治疗作用,但并不能使肥大的宫颈恢复到正常大小,只能缓解相关症状。 6. **改善外阴瘙痒**:保妇康栓能够改善因外阴瘙痒引起的症状,使患者感到舒适。 7. **使用方法**:通常建议在睡前使用保妇康栓,将栓剂塞入阴道深部。一般建议连续用药7-14天为一个疗程,根据病情和医生建议,可能需要使用3-6个月。 8. **注意事项**:在用药期间,应避免性生活、游泳、盆浴等,并注意饮食清淡,避免辛辣、生冷、油腻等刺激性食物。 9. **禁忌人群**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、未婚妇女等人群应禁用保妇康栓。 总之,保妇康栓是一种具有多种疗效和功能的中医制剂,适用于治疗多种妇科疾病。但在使用过程中,患者应注意遵医嘱,遵循用药指南,以确保疗效和安全性。

At this moment, the eyes of several creatures in the star are red, and their breathing becomes urgent. This temptation is too great. The experts in the direction of the state of Jin are also ugly.

"shame!" "shameless!" "Shame on you …" "Why don’t you stop the other side or go in yourself!" Several experts in the State of Jin looked angrily at the figure of the immortal Buddha flying to the immortal gate in the stars. It seems that the immortal gate is Ning Caichen, but the other party wants […]

Sun Hao slightly unexpected horse nodded and said, "Well, what a good Xiaolan, just give it a try. I feel that since the other party is a hero, it should not be so careless to abandon the city and have advantages and disadvantages. You must fight with us outside."

Girlan so-called said, "Give it a try. Anyway, it won’t take long for Taier Copper Taier Red to come over …" When the dwarfs heard the news, they came running to Girlan and decided to have a big fight. They were quiet and didn’t talk too much. Girlan giggled and said, "Who are the best […]

"I’ve been waiting for you in the game. I just played for a while. Don’t help. Now you’re not sleepy. Do you want to enter the game?"

Shen Xinyu saw the other party’s reply and thought "good" Fish bubble "that’s just right. I’m not sleepy. I’ll kill another plate with your old man." Shen Xinyu couldn’t help laughing. I feel that children are quite interesting now. Bowed their heads and played the game for a while. Shen Xinyu just entered some States, […]

"I think Dresden still has a lot of hope. There are so many China players here. Who can compare with our players compared with playing in a bad place?"

"This is not necessarily a game. A few China players are all technical players, and my decades of amateur football experience is much more important than my experience when I play in a bad place." "ls is right, but it is very accidental to disrupt the war badly. I think luck is the most important […]